- NOTICE FROM THE TEAM OF AJOS - Welcome to ajOS, an all new computer experience! version 0.2 If you have any questions, contact us at "imnot@ctuallygiving.outanemail" We hope you have a nice time using this operationg system! VkVoRklGTlpVMVJGVFNCSlV5Qk 9UMVFnVjBoQlZDQkpWQ0JUUlVW TlUxUklSU0JUV1ZOVVJVMGdTVk 1nVGs5VUlGZElRVlFnU1ZRZ1Uw VkZUVk5VU0VVZ1UxbFRWRVZOSU VsVElFNVBWQ0JYU0VGVUlFbFVJ Rk5GUlUxVFZFaEZJRk5aVTFSRl RTQkpVeUJPVDFRZ1YwaEJWQ0JK VkNCVFJVVk5VMVJJUlNCVFdWTl VSVTBnU1ZNZ1RrOVVJRmRJUVZR Z1NWUWdVMFZGVFZOVVNFVWdVMW xUVkVWTklFbFRJRTVQVkNCWFNF RlVJRWxVSUZORlJVMVQ= 2^6 note from the creator of this arg puzzle thing: credit to chatgpt for helping me with part of this (e.g. the taskbar)